Thank you to all who participated in the gEo web conferences which we host monthly in Washington, DC that focuses on various Renewable Energy Solutions.
To register for the next Web Conference, please email info@globalenergyone.com
For the past few years probably all of us have been informed of, made aware of or personally experienced the effects of Pollution, GLOBAL WARMING, GREEN, CLEAN, CONSERVATION, RENEWABLE ENERGY, ALTERNATE ENERGY, ENERGY EFFICIENCY, SUSTAINABILITY not to mention Nuclear Plant Accidents, and the Petroleum, Coal, and Natural Gas depletion concerns and cost hikes.
One thing is sure, everyone on the globe has been impacted by the outrageous price of Gasoline, Electricity, Coal, and Natural Gas. To address these problems gEo (Global Energy One) has designed; and is making available to the consumers and organizations, RENEWABLE/ALTERNATE ENERGY solutions which will produce Electricity by drawing energy from the SUN, WIND, RAIN and several other natural environmental forces. Needless to say, this will reduce pollution as well as drastically reduce our electric bills, and make us more energy efficient!
To see how gEo's solutions can DRASTICALLY REDUCE THE COST OF ELECTRICITY for homes, businesses, communities, facilities, institutions, and municipalities, email us at info@GlobalEnergyOne.com OR give us a call (703) 861-9893.
DONATE for REFUGEES, NEPAL, or OHMOBL (Our Hands Make Others Burdens Lighter) thru Global Energy One Inc.
TO DONATE for REFUGEES, NEPAL EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS, ohmobl, CLICK THIS LINK https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=Y4X6P6JQUQXZJ
Thank you, through your Contribution or Donation, you are helping the earthquake victims of Nepal.
Solar http://www1.eere.energy.gov/solar/csp.html
Wind http://www1.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/wind_how.html#inside
Rain http://www1.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/hydro_how.html
Geothermal http://www1.eere.energy.gov/geothermal/egs_animation.html
Induction http://eselectronics.sulekhab2b.com/sell/893553/energy-savers-for-ac-induction-motors.htm
Fuel Cell http://www.fctec.com/fctec_basics.asp
The IMMEDIATE VALUE OF THIS WEBSITE for our clients & prospects:
This website, is where we inform and educate all our internet community on several key renewable energy concerns, news, findings, and tid-bits to encourage you on the benefits of this new concept and also to explain in simple and complex terms how "Renewable Energy and Alternative Energy" solutions are derived from the natural forces (wind, sun, rain, geothermal) all around us.
Many of these solutions won't cost us anything. We are a hot new and revolutionary concept and business in Energy Solutions, GlobalEnergyOne, but we have extensive knowledge in Renewable Energy and Recycling technologies with prior business & operations experience in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Information Technology, Finance, Custom Audio Components, Health Care, Security and Business Consulting.
We serve our clients with the solution they need, with advice and support, so they get the optimum solution with best return for their investment.
In this website you will be updated of new Alternate / Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency technology & solutions AND energy generating methods from our environment.

Our commitment to everyone are simply
A. To provide practical RE solutions and services which our clients request, need, and can immediately benefit from, AND
B. To offer personal and thorough care and RE solutions, which our seasoned professional members can provide through consultation, design, installs, support, and training.

Global Energy One Inc.,
Post Box 426, Centreville, VA 20122 USA
Phone (703) 861-9893 Fax (703) 935-6539
E-mail address: info@globalenergy.com
Website: www.GlobalEnergyOne.com |
Thank you for visiting us on the web. Our website is currently being revamped (re-constructed),
in the mean time please feel free to contact (learn about) us at
(1) email: info@GlobalEnergyOne.com
(2) our history: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1153305866243.2023971.1035544240&type=3
(3) facebook/blog page: https://www.facebook.com/SamuelPetersRE
Thank you for your patience, while we revamp our website www.GlobalEnergyOne.com |